
Online Tournament 12 April Review 4月12日比赛回顾

SCA’s Online Tournament is getting more popular with students.

Every Sunday SCA Chess Academy from Shanghai organizes an online tournament on www.chesskid.com to provide students an opportunity to put their learned skills to test.

Last weekend’s tournament took place on 12th of April. The tournament was attended by 59 students.

The time control was 10 minutes + 2 seconds and participants played 5 rounds.


The first three places went to:

1.Donald Wen (SUIS-DonaldW) SCA Chess Academy

2.Ethan Zhu (SAS-EthanZ) SCA Chess Academy

3.Michael Jiang (SCIS-MichaelJ) SCA Chess Academy

Congratulations to the winners!!

Number of students from each team:

  • SCA Chess Academy was represented by 53 students the highest number so far!
  • Azerbaijan – 5 students
  • Latvia – 1 student

Every participant is welcome to send their photos and game spotlights to us through ChessKid or WeChat. 

Games: Tournament of traps

We present here some interesting moments from the games. We hope they will inspire you to play better and better.

Michael Jiang (SCIS-MichaelJ) – Donald Wen (SUIS-DonaldW)

This game was played by the winner of the tournament – Donald Wen (black). Black set a trap called an Elephant Trap in the main line of the Queen’s Gambit. Donald played 1…Nbd7 indirectly protecting the d5-pawn. Michael, who won his previous game by playing 2.Nf3 b6? 3.Nxd5!, seemed to forget to develop his king-side knight: 2.Nxd5?? Nxd5!! Capturing the knight and ignoring his own queen was under attack. 3.Nf3 (if 3.Bxd8 then the point of the sacrifice becomes clear after 3…Bb4!+ gaining the queen back: 4.Qd2 Bxd2+ 5.Kxd2 Kxd8 and black is up a piece) 3…Qxg5! Another queen sacrifice based on the same idea! 4.e3 (4.Nxg5 would be met by the same 4…Bb4+) 4…Bb4+ 5.Ke2 Qe7 with two extra pieces and easy winning position.

Jasper Sun (Harrow-Jasper) – Eva Han (SHSID-EvaH)

In this position black – SHSID-EvaH – who took fourth place in the tournament demonstrated a winning technique and attacked the king with style. Black is up a piece; however, Eva did not even think about saving her hanging bishop on a3. 1…Qg5! bringing the queen closer to the lonely White’s king. 2.g4? making Black’s task even easier: 2.Qg1 could have put up more resistance. 2…Qf4 threatening a checkmate in one.  3.Qg1 Rf1! Pinning the queen to the king. 4.Rb1 Rxg1 5.Rxg1 Qe3 Attacking the knight and threatening mate in one 6.Nc6?? Qxh3#

David Gong (YCIS-DavidG) – Karolina Kovacikova (SCIS-KarolinaK) 

In this position white – David Gong – who took sixth place in the tournament won his game thanks to the Copycat trap in the Petrov’s Defence. This game is a perfect example that when you are black you should not copy your opponent’s moves. 1.Nxe5 Nxe4? (1…d6 followed by Nxe4 gives Black solid play) 2.Qe2! David moves his queen to the same line with two knights and a king, white is preparing very dangerous tactics. 2…Ng5 3.Nc6!+ the strongest discovered attack in this position. White queen is giving a check when the knight is attacking the black queen. 3…Ne4 4.Nxd8  White won the queen very early in the game. Notice that 4.Qxe4+ could also have been played since the Black queen is a goner.