

- 课程细分到每一级别;
- 10月8日比赛分级别进行;
- 课表灵活;
- 刚入门的新生能够在一周后进行对局;
- 老生能够更快升级;
- 在课外测验中检验所学知识;
- 教练们将对测验结果和比赛对局进行分析,选出能够升级的学生。

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Course description:
Coach Kinga
Beginner 3 morning: Basic chess tactics
During the classes, the following objectives from chess tactics at the basic level (one move puzzles) will be covered:
– Double attack
– Pin
– Skewer
– Discovered attack/Double check
– Remove a defender
– Mate in 2: Checkmate patterns
When playing chess games, emphasis will be placed on the tactics and the opening. The games later will be analyzed with the coach.
Beginner 3 afternoon: Opening introduction + practice games
The afternoon classes will focus mainly on practice. Children will learn the basic rules of the opening and will play games with each other. The games later will be analyzed with the coach.
Elements of chess tactics will also be introduced during the classes.
Intermediate 1 morning: Intermediate chess tactics
During the classes, the following objectives from chess tactics at the intermediate level (caunting two, three moves ahead) will be covered:
– Double attack
– Pin
– Skewer
– Discovered attack/Double check
– Remove a defender
– Mate in 2: Checkmate patterns
– Smothered mate
When playing chess games, emphasis will be placed on the tactics and the opening. The games later will be analyzed with the coach.
Intermediate 1 afternoon: Opening theory + practice games
The afternoon classes will focus mainly on practice. Children will learn the opening theory (the most famous chess openings) and will play games with each other. The games later will be analyzed with the coach.
Elements of chess tactics will also be covered during the classes.
Coach Karol
Beginner 1 basics morning classes
During the classes, the following objectives from chess knowledge at the basic level will be covered:
– How to move the pieces
– Board vision
– Coordinates
– How to attack chess pieces
– How to protect your own pieces
– Value of the pieces
– How to check the king
– How to get out of check
– How to checkmate
– Kingside & Queenside castling
– Solving chess puzzles mate in 1 move
We will provide you with comprehensive knowledge to start playing chess.
Beginner 1 basics afternoon classes
The afternoon classes will focus mainly on practice. Our students will learn how to use and how to play with their friends. We will also get knowledge about the very basic opening theory, how to start the game, and how to develop the pieces.
Beginner 2 general knowledge morning classes
During the classes, the following objectives from chess knowledge at the basic level will be covered:
– Board vision
– Coordinates
– How to checkmate
– Stalemate
– K&Q mate + stalemate trap
– Back rank checkmate & luft
– Queen + helper checkmate
– Rook roller
– Kingside & Queenside castling
– Solving chess puzzles mate in 1 move
Beginner 2 general knowledge and practice session afternoon classes
During the classes, the following objectives from chess tactics at the beginner level will be covered:
– Double attack
– Pin
– Discovered attack
– Twofold attack
In the second part of the lesson, we will focus on practice and get knowledge about the very basic opening theory, how to start the game, and how to develop the pieces. The games later will be analysed with the coach.
Coach Vitaly
Endgames study. The emphasis will be put on learning:
· the effectiveness and coordination of the pieces
· calculation long endgame lines, e.g. 10+ moves
· the importance of pawns as well as pawn structures
Middlegame study. The emphasis will be put on learning:
· Standard attacking plans
Development of practical skills:
· Playing and analysing games
Coach Rafal
Intermediate 2
Opening course. We will learn and practice new opening for each side:
– Queen’s Gambit accepted – playing black- Introduction
– Evans Gambit, Danish Gambit- playing white
Strategy course.
– How do we assess position and create strategical plans in the middlegame?
– Pawn structure – recognize weaknesses and plan how to attack them.
– Pawn push in the center- what are the conditions for successful pawn push?
– Pawn push on the wing- When and how we should create “pawn storm”?
Intermediate 3
Opening course. We will learn and practice new openings for each side:
– Queen’s Gambit accepted – playing black- opening moves, analysis of model games, typical strategical plans of the middle game.
– Handling French defense, Sicilian defense, Caro-can defense with white pieces.
Strategy course.
– How do we assess position and create strategical plans in the middlegame?
– Pawn structure – recognize weaknesses and plan how to attack them.
– Pawn push in the center- what are the conditions for successful pawn push? – analisys of model game
– Pawn push on the wing- When and how we should create “pawn storm”? – analisys of model game