
Online Tournament March 22 Review 3月22日比赛回顾


Every Sunday SCA Chess Academy from Shanghai organizes an online tournament on www.chesskid.com to provide students an opportunity to put their learned skills to test. Last Sunday’s tournament on the 22nd of March was really special because it was international! A record breaking 57 students from three different countries: China, Latvia and Azerbaijan competed! The time control was 10 minutes and participants played five rounds.


After fierce duels the first three places were taken by:

  1. Ethan Zhu (SAS-EthanZ) SCA Chess Academy (China)
  2. Jekabs Vidrusks (LAT-VidrusksJ)Latvia
  3. Reinis Valdats (LAT-ValdatsR)  Latvia

Congratulations to the winners!

  • SCA team was represented by 33 of our students our highest number so far to participate in an online tournament
  • The Latvian team was represented by 6 students
  • And the Azerbaijan team was represented by 18 students. Here are some photos of these passionate chess players during the tournament.

Upcoming tournament

On Sunday the 29th of March we are expecting that the tournament will grow even bigger and students from other countries including Poland and the Philippines will join it. Help us beat another record and please register 15 minutes before the tournament starts! If you have never participated in our Sunday tournament please register through the following form and we will add you to the SCA Chess Academy club on Chesskid.

The tournament will take place at 18:30 China Standard Time (UTC+08:00) on Sunday the 29th of March.


We would like to share with you the most interesting moments from the tournament games.

Ethan Zhu (SAS-EthanZ) – AZE-YusifKh

In this position Ethan Zhu – winner of the tournament – is on the move with the white pieces. He was down in material but his two rooks were really strong on the 7th rank cooperating together. Ethan started by giving a check with a rook on g7 and then suddenly his opponent made a big mistake and moved his king on f8. After this blunder Ethan made a beautiful blind swine checkmate and won the game.

Payne Hong (HQ-PayneH) – Jekabs Vidrusks (LAT-VidrusksJ)

This position is taken from the game of the number two player in the tournament – Jekabs Vidrusks (LAT-VidrusksJ). Here he is playing with black pieces and presents an interesting checkmate in two moves by a square clearance.

Reinis Valdats (LAT-ValdatsR) – (AZE-Mehdihusey)

In this position white – Reinis Valdats –  the number three player in the tournament found a tactical blow by moving his rook on the same file with the knight and the king. He made a famous pin for all kids and after Bd6 – protecting the knight, Valdats put more pressure on the pinned piece by moving his pawn on f4! As a result, he won a minor piece and very soon the entire game.


The most beautiful checkmate of the tournament

Evan Fan (SASPX-EvanF) – Lucas Granucci (SAS-LucasG)

In this position black has a huge advantage. Lucas was up a rook, a knight and a bishop. He showed a brilliant technique in finishing the game with style! He made a checkmate in five moves that proved that rook, knight and bishop cooperating together can be really powerful.